The Confident Needlepointer's Guide To Choosing Stitches & Threads
How to take any needlepoint canvas and make it turn out exactly like you want it to...
Live on ZOOM on Saturday, October 29th @ 11am Central time
Join this one hour mini-workshop!
In This Fun Mini-Workshop, You Will...

Discover Why Your Projects Don't Turn Out The Way You Want Them To
When you buy a new painted canvas - or pull one out of your stash - it can be soooo tempting to jump in and start stitching, willy nilly.
But that's actually one of the worst things you can do if you want your canvases to look like the ones you see on Facebook or Pinterest or Instagram.
During our time together, you'll find out why you need to use the right stitches and threads for your canvas - and I'll share tips for putting stitches and threads together to get some really cool effects.

Look At Your Projects Through The Eyes Of A Needlepoint Artist
You may not think of yourself as an artist, but that's what you are when you embellish painted canvases with decorative stitches and fancy threads.
It begins with being able to evaluate your needlepoint canvas using the elements of art and principles of design - those things that an artist uses to create a cohesive and beautiful work of art.
After this workshop, you will have a better understanding of how to apply these principles to your projects so that the thread and stitch choices you make will bring your canvases to life!

Unlock Secrets To Confidently Matching Stitches With Threads
There are literally hundreds of canvas embroidery stitches - and it's okay if you have no idea where to start!
I'll share my process for how you can incorporate different effects into to your works of needlepoint art that reflect your vision for your projects. And the best part? Everything is based on your current skill level.
By the end of the workshop, you'll have a better understanding of how to narrow your stitch and thread options and overcome that overwhelm!
The Needlepoint Success Workshop will help you
gain confidence as a stitcher!
Reserve your seat for this exclusive $9 class today!
SIGN ME UP!A personal invitation

Hi there, I’m Ellen Johnson - a former first grade teacher turned needlepoint teacher and author.
Just as my grandmother taught me all she knew about needlepoint, I’m here to teach you everything I know - so we can keep this amazing art alive and well.
Over the past 25 years, I've had the honor of teaching hundreds of new and seasoned stitchers the ins and outs of needlepoint, so they can escape the “so many options” overwhelm and discover the true joy and relaxation of this timeless art.
Now more than ever, we are craving creativity and connection. Needlepoint has been a way for me to achieve both of these, and I know it can for you, too.
If you’ve been itching for a creative outlet ...
for a hobby that is all your own and allows you to fully unwind and relax …
then I know you will find what you are looking for in this free workshop.