Media Release: I hereby expressly grant to Serendipity Needleworks, LLC. (“COMPANY”) and to its officers, employees, agents, and assignees, the right to use photographs, video/audio impressions, and/or transcriptions of me recorded by COMPANY at its Emerald Garden Needlepoint Workshop (“Event”) on October 16, 20, and November 13, 2021 and to use the photographs and my voice and picture, silhouette, and other reproductions of physical likeness and class-related work (including any still image, videotapes image, CD-ROMS, DVDs and/or other analog or digital means), in connection with or as part of any presentation, program, publication, product, or other professional endeavor in which the same may be used or incorporated, and also in the advertising and/or publicizing of any such works or their content, in perpetuity. I understand that these images/sounds may be used for commercial, educational and/or informational purposes.
I waive all rights of copyright, ownership, and rights of publicity in or the resulting commercial, educational, and/or informational materials in which I appear and acknowledge no monetary or other compensation is provided in exchange for waiving this right. Any facts, figures, testimonials, stories, etc. I give are my own and are truthful and are freely given without any offer of payment.
Attendee Conduct: COMPANY reserves the right to ask me and/or my guests to leave the Event immediately should I/they be deemed rude, uncooperative, unprofessional, or disruptive. In such case, my fees for the Event will not be reimbursed.
Intellectual Property: The materials used in any training materials handed out during the event are the property of COMPANY and/or the respective speakers. No part of these documents and/or resources can be stored, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, photographic, or mechanical), recorded, translated or used to produce any derivative works without explicit permission from COMPANY.
Liability Waiver: While COMPANY takes every possible measure to ensure the safety of everyone at the Event, I understand that COMPANY cannot control everything. I am legally responsible for my safety and behavior, and agree to be legally liable to the following statements:
I, the willing Attendee of the Event, hereby accept all risk to my health and of my injury or death that may result from participating in the Event, and I hereby release COMPANY, Ellen Johnson, and their officers, employees, interns, contractors, speakers, affiliated companies, and representatives from any and all liability to me, my personal representatives, estate, heirs, next of kind, and assigns for any and all causes of action for loss of or damage to my property and for any and all illness or injury to my person, including my death, that may result from or occur during my participation at the Event. I will indemnify COMPANY, Ellen Johnson, and their officers, directors, agents, and assigns from any liability from my breach of any term herein.
I expressly acknowledge and agree that nothing in this document or any other written or oral communication relating to the event, or any materials promulgated or distributed with respect thereto constitute a representation or guarantee. The Event is produced as an educational event and no representation or warranty of any kind regarding specific or general benefits, monetary or otherwise, was or has been made to me by the Event and/or its principals, agents, and employees, including, without limitation, COMPANY, Ellen Johnson, and any of the other vendors who participate in the Event. I acknowledge that neither the Event nor COMPANY, in whole or in part, are responsible for my success or failure, for my acts or omissions, or the appropriateness of my decisions heretofore or hereafter.